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Tel: 613-643-2000
If you can't find the information you are looking for please email or call us and we would be happy to answer your questions.
How much does physiotherapy cost?Initial assessment (1 hr which includes treatment) is $105 and regular visits (30-45 min) are $80.
Is physiotherapy covered by OHIP?Morrisburg Physiotherapy does not offer OHIP coverage as we were not in business when the government alloted funding. If you are under 19, or 65 years and older, on ODSP or have had a hospitalization for your condition you are eligible for physiotherapy covered by OHIP. There are specific OHIP clinics in Ontario. For a complete listing of OHIP clinics in the area please visit
Is physiotherapy covered by my insurance plan?Most health insurance plans cover some amount of physiotherapy but it varies plan to plan. We recommend that you contact you insurance provider to find out what is covered and for how much.
Does Morrisburg Physiotherapy direct bill?Unfortunately, we do not direct bill at this time unless you are under a motor vehicle accident claim. That means you pay for each visit and then submit to your insurance company.
How long and how frequently will I need to come?That depends on the type and severity of injury or condition. At the initial assessment your therapist will make recommendations and work with you to develop a treatment plan that you are comfortable with and that will improve your condition
What should I wear?Comfortable loose fitting clothing is best. If you are having your shoulder treated, a tank top is preferred, and shorts for any leg condition. Due to COVID-19, we ask that patients please bring a mask, bandana or face covering and a pillow case for your own comfort.
Does Morrisburg Physiotherapy treat injuries under WSIB claims?Yes, please notify us at the time of booking if you have a WSIB claim
Does Morrisburg Physiotherapy treat injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents?If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident, we can help you to recover. Please let us know the injury was due to a motor vehicle accident and bring your insurance (motor vehicle and any private health insurance) information with you to the first visit.
Does Morrisburg Physiotherapy offer OHIP covered post surgery therapy for total hip and knee replacements?We are an accepted provider for total hip and total knee post surgery bundled care services for the Cornwall Hospital, Brockville General Hospital, and the Ottawa Network of Hospitals. These means that part of your therapy will be covered by OHIP through the hospital. The amount depends on the surgery and the hospital where it is was done.
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